Tracy Mutugi

Data Analyst

I am a forward-thinker excited about using data to build smarter cities and evangelist for data-driven urban development solutions. I have done work in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia working with public and private sector clients. My super power is always thinking about the end-user of my work and asking how I can better understand and solve the problems they face.

Interests: Maps, Transport, Housing


Netflix Wrapped 2023

Riding on the wave Spotify Wrapped, I was inspired to create 5 data visualisations which summarise my Netflix watching habits for 2023.

Data visualistion Data story Python Netflix

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Predicting Delivery Arrival Time - Sendy 2020

This was a predictive modelling project where a model was trained to predict the arrival time of a delivery.

Python Sci-kit Learn Predictive model Machine Learning Regression Logistics

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Public Housing Demand in Johannesburg 2019

This was an exploratory data analysis of a public housing applicant database.

Python Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Data cleaning

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Looking into my Netflix data

16 Dec 2023

Genres watched Data prep Step 1: Organise the data according to genre. My initial plan was to use an official Netflix API to pull the genre values for each title in my watch history but it turns out there is...

Data Analysis Film & TV Entertainment