Public Housing Demand in Johannesburg

Millions of people move to Johannesburg every year in search of opportunities, yet the housing market is not able to keep up with demand. The government’s Department of Human Settlements has various housing programs in all municipalities such as Johannesburg to provide housing subsidies to citizens. A housing subsidy is a once-off grant paid by the government to qualifying beneficiaries for housing purposes. The grant is not paid in cash to beneficiaries but, rather, is paid to the seller of a house or, in new subsidised housing developments, the grant is used to construct a house. The title deed of the constructed house is then registered in the name of the beneficiary.

This project explores the housing subsidy applicant data for citizens in the City of Johannesburg which stood at approximately 450,000 applicants in 2018.

This page is split into two sections, Insights and Data Cleaning - and covers 5 insights I extracted from the dataset and also 5 things I did to clean the dataset and improve data quality. I have included snippets of the Python code used in my analysis and made use of the Seaborn library and Tableau to create data visulisations.


1. Number of housing applications made from 1994 to 2018

2. Distribution of applicants across each region of Johannesburg

3. Monthly income distribution of applicants:

4. Age distribution of applicants split by gender.

5. Current dwelling types of applicants.

Data Cleaning

Below is a breakdown of how I explored and cleaned the public housing applicant dataset.

Here is a summary of rows that have data in each column and as we can see several columns have data gaps where no values were entered:


ProvinceID            455791
Municipality          455791
TownName              455791
Region                455791
Area                  455791
QuestionaireID        455791
Registration Date     455791
Year                  455791
Month                 455791
Day                   455791
StreetName            454786
HouseNo               455498
WardNo                 25097
HomeTelNo             216429
WorkTelNo               1843
CellNo                290476
Relationship          455791
Age Main Member       455388
Gender Main Member    455786
Spouse Age             36302
Spouse GenderID        36305
MonthlyIncome         455717
HSS Status            455791
DwellingType          455788
EnergySource          455788
Sanitation            455788
Water                 455788
Disability             73683
dtype: int64

1. Removing duplicate data

p = newdf.duplicated('QuestionaireID')

q = []
for i in p.iteritems():
    if i[1] == True:
len(q) = 14238

newdf.drop_duplicates(subset='QuestionaireID', keep='first',inplace=True)

2. Removing superfluous columns:

newdf = newdf.drop(columns=['ProvinceID','Municipality','WorkTelNo','Spouse Age', 'Spouse GenderID'])

3. Filling the gaps or empty rows:

newdf['StreetName'] = newdf['StreetName'].fillna('None')
newdf['HouseNo'] = newdf['HouseNo'].fillna('None')
newdf['WardNo'] = newdf['WardNo'].fillna(0)
newdf['HomeTelNo'] = newdf['HomeTelNo'].fillna('None')
newdf['CellNo'] = newdf['CellNo'].fillna('None')
newdf['Age Main Member'] = newdf['Age Main Member'].fillna(0)
newdf['Gender Main Member'] = newdf['Gender Main Member'].fillna('U')
newdf['MonthlyIncome'] = newdf['MonthlyIncome'].fillna('0. Response not given')
newdf['DwellingType'] = newdf['DwellingType'].fillna('9. Unknown')
newdf['EnergySource'] = newdf['EnergySource'].fillna('9. Unknown')
newdf['Sanitation'] = newdf['Sanitation'].fillna('10. Unknown')
newdf['Water'] = newdf['Water'].fillna('12. Unknown')

4. Investigation of Ward number values:


array([0, '11', '2', '12', '121', '32', '23', '22', '21', '10', '1002',
       '2003', '100', '200', '65', '95', '920', '632', '0', '62', '16',
       '119', '25', '66', '29', '19', ' ', 'BLOCK 8', '47', '53', '48',
       '63', '321', '500', '153', '85', '42', '43', '103', '1661', '654',
       '129', '44', '45', '7', '50', 'none', '84', '49', '82', '52', '9',
       12.0, 14.0, 24.0, 35.0, 32.0, 200.0, 100.0, 20.0, 65.0, 95.0, 50.0,
       119.0, 53.0, 952.0, 129.0, 51.0, 61.0, 54.0, 31.0, 29.0, 30.0,
       10.0, 15.0, 125.0, 123.0, 120.0, 21.0, 34.0, 28.0, 632.0, 652.0,
       321.0, 62.0, 654.0, 39.0, 2003.0, 1002.0, 27.0, 621.0, 962.0,
       332.0, 19.0, 26.0, 25.0, 122.0, 112.0, 236.0, 3176.0, 23.0, 2001.0,
       52.0, 130.0, 110.0, '26', '33', '300', '231', '35', '621', '36',
       '951', '37', '34', '652', '54', '6', '24', '46', '51', '1', '17',
       '13', '55', '18', 'Q', '2127', '259', '41', '38', '39', '322',
       '2000', '20', '98', '962', '130', '14', '40', '102', '8', '230',
       '123', '1230', '522', '620', '191', 'NONE', '31', '120', '852',
       '3', '202', '125', '563', '630', '5', '4', '56', '921', '15', '27',
       '28', '30', '106', '227', '92', '             ', '362', 'WARD 25',
       'REGION 9', 'MAPETLA', '952', '2001', '3003', '39/41', 'WARD 39',
       '213', '963', '263', '210', 'ward 15', '122', 'EXT 29', '542',
       '49FARANA', '127', '113', 'ward 12', '1003', '193', '320', '520',
       '57', 'NUL', 'CHRIS HANI', '149', '201', '114', 'REGION  D', '651',
       '400', ' N/A', '258', 'PIMVILLE EXT6', 'kh', '4061A', '203', '115',
       '135', 'NU', 'ZONE 6', '128', 'DIEPKLOOF ZONE 4', '199',
       'PROTEA NORTH', 'PIMVILLE ZONE 4', '67', 'non', 'WARD 75',
       '         ', '107', '91', '90', '600', '521', '159', 'E', '75',
       'no 15 avenue', '3002', 'REGION A', ']', 'REGION6', 'A', '352',
       '156', '1159', '145', '221', '911', '960', '96', '116', '154',
       '152', '69', '650', '124', '77', '60', '2111', '403', '68', '118',
       '279', ' CAMP', '58', '965', 'van der merwe', '178', '1830', '126',
       '627', '1811', 'fre', '24  FREEDOM PARK', 'AVENUE', '1376', '3597',
       'STR', '59', 'WARD 62', '61', '1259', '86', 'WARD 60', 'NO', '610',
       '73', 'WARD 21', '74', '2100', '79', '105', '196', '80', 'T',
       'UNKOWN', '97', '1122', '89', '64', 'BLOCK A', 'unknoww',
       'THABEDE', '110', 'GRASMERE', 'MOUNTAIN VIEW', 'G', 'unknown',
       '832', 'PLOT 56', 'WARD 10', '241', '358', '829', '693', 'ext 9',
       22.0, 1.0, 57.0, 89.0, 6.0, 7.0, 79.0, 111.0, 77.0, '2103', '192',
       '78', 'mlilo', '08 REGION A', '111', '214', '177', 'RGION  4',
       '131', 'EXT 3B', '2013', '1000', 'ward 3', '953', '99', '491',
       'EXT2', '71', '70', '72', '925', '624', '914', '220', '81', '83'],

5. Investigation of applicant Age values:

newdf['Age Main Member'].describe()
count    441553.000000
mean         48.312248
std          13.670387
min           0.000000
25%          39.000000
50%          47.000000
75%          57.000000
max        1814.000000
Name: Age Main Member, dtype: float64
newdf.drop(newdf[newdf['Age Main Member']>100].index, inplace=True)
newdf.drop(newdf[newdf['Age Main Member']<18].index, inplace=True)

newdf['Age Main Member'].describe()
count    440905.000000
mean         48.323522
std          13.204649
min          18.000000
25%          39.000000
50%          47.000000
75%          57.000000
max         100.000000
Name: Age Main Member, dtype: float64